Here is a list of fun little projects I've done that are online:
- February 2025: Reaganomics Lamborghini - a silly name generator
- January 2025: Uzi Knesset - a silly name generator
- July 2023: RPS Referee Simulator - sports refereeing game, playable on itch
- July 2022: DALL-E Matcher - matching game with AI generated art, playable on itch
- April 2022: Mark Invaders - arcade shooter game, playable on itch
- February 2022: Valyrian Wordle - wordle, but in High Valyriane, playable on itch
- December 2021: Tic Tac Toe - simple game, playable on itch
- August 2021: Rainbow Runner - arcade runner game, playable on itch
- June 2021: Triple Threat - arcade shooter game, playable on itch
- February 2021: Pi - digits of pi guessing tool
- March 2020: Clap - 👏tool 👏to 👏add👏clap👏emojis👏around👏words👏
- January 2020: Hexgame - word game